Compassion Kadampa Buddhist Centre is on Term break from Friday 25th October - Friday 1st November

Volunteer at our Centre

    • leaping man

Compassion Buddhist Centre relies entirely on volunteers to do everything from run the shop to teach the classes. 

If you would like to help us with anything, we always have opportunites, whether you have a skill you could offer (e.g. painting, decorating, building, event planning, publicity design, IT) or you can simply give us your time.  

We always need people to do housework (e.g. cleaning) or maybe we can teach you a new skill or way to help in the Buddhist Centre. 

Become and Friend of Compassion Centre and Help us Grow

If you regularly attend the centre you may like to donate monthly by direct debit rather than donating when you visit. This helps the centre to have a stable monthly income and helps you so you don't feel the need remember to have change in your pocket when you visit! 

Please ask at reception if you would like to set up a monthly donation and become a Friend of Compassion Centre. Average monthly donation is around £20-£25.

    • tantra avalokiteshvara